
Anecdotes and thoughts on matters of life and philosophy. There'll be a bit of angst in here, but also tales of joy and "Awwww..." moments.

Thursday, December 30, 2004


I've been watching "Lost" and "24" on TV and DVD, respectively. Holy cow. These are mighty good shows, and they also illustrate the depths of man's depravity. Some of these characters are positively despicable.

In addition, these shows also illustrate how far people can sink even when they try to do the right thing. Jack Bauer has demonstrated that amply, as did Charlie on "Lost." There but for the grace of God...

These are both quality shows, wherein they clearly did not scrimp on plot or characterization. That's where the depths of depravity come through, as do the various shades of nobility and human foibles. These shows are filled with flawed characters, people who are both respectable and disgusting at the same time. There are no cardboard cutouts here. The characters are eminently believable, even if they do seem rather extreme on occasion.

Right now, I'm watching one character hold a gun to his head... and that's not the entirety of his story. Talk about gripping. Talk abuot human complexity. Bill Shakespeare would be proud.

Watch these shows, if you can stomach the occasional brutality. Yow.

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