
Anecdotes and thoughts on matters of life and philosophy. There'll be a bit of angst in here, but also tales of joy and "Awwww..." moments.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Review: Fat-Burning Workout for Dummies 

I just finished watching Fat-Burning Workout for Dummies, a great fitness DVD by Gay Gasper. I strongly, strongly recommend it. Gay Gasper is a great exercise leader--enthusiastic, energetic, and completely winsome. What's more, she's in fabulous shape, and it shows.

Unlike Denise Austin's videos, which clearly seem directed toward women, the movies used by Ms. Gaspar are very much suitable for both men and women. Dudes won't feel overly girly by performing these moves, however basic they may be. They're also a great introduction for people who might not be familiar with traditional aerobics moves.

Oh, and I prepared a quick cheat sheet of the various combo routines that she used. These are really helpful for those who want to get some exercise done without the DVD. (I still recommend the DVD, though. These notes won't make much sense without it, and besides, she's just a fabulous leader.)

Combo #1

Step touch to right (4x)
Ham curl to right (single-single-double)
Grapevine to left (4x)
Mambo left (2x)
Step touch to left (4x)
Ham curl to left (single-single-double)
Grapevine to left (4x)
Mambo right (2x)

Combo #2:

V-step right (8x)
Tap right (4x)
Back lunge left (8x)
V-step left (8x)
Tap left (4x)
Back lunge right (8x)

Combo #3:

Heel digs, (right, 8x)
Out, out, in, in (right, 2x)
March forward on right, tap with left
March back, tap with right
Step-touch to right and back
Grapevine to right
Heel digs, (left, 8x)
Out, out, in, in (left, 2x)
March forward on left, tap with right
March back, tap with left
Step-touch to left and back
Grapevine to left

Combo #4:

March with jumprope
Heel dig to right (single-single-double)
Knee raises (four singles, two doubles)
March with jumprop
Heel dig to left (single-single-double)
Knee raises (four singles, two doubles)

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