
Anecdotes and thoughts on matters of life and philosophy. There'll be a bit of angst in here, but also tales of joy and "Awwww..." moments.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The cheesiest of children's game shows 

I once saw this TV game show for children that must have had a production value of approximately $1. The set was marginally lit and unbelievably threadbare. There was no interesting background music, and I don't think the prizes were very memorable at all. And how did the emcee decide which kids team got to play first? "Rock, paper, scissors," that's how!

No imagination. I don't believe that this was a mere budgetary problem, especially since the host of the program (a lady named "Aimee") was the daughter of a VERY prominent government official. No, this seemed to be a case of "Eh. Let's put minimal effort into this show, and let's not even bother coming up with creative ways to make it interesting."

BTW, I'm pretty sure that the only reason Aimee got that job was because she WAS the daughter of a prominent government official. She didn't have any talent that I could see, nor did she even have the looks that many actresses skate by on. (I'm not saying that TV show hosts should be beautiful, mind you. I'd rather have an ordinary-looking but talented emcee myself. I'm just saying that I could see no particular reason why this gal would be picked to host this pathetic show.)

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