
Anecdotes and thoughts on matters of life and philosophy. There'll be a bit of angst in here, but also tales of joy and "Awwww..." moments.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Oh, yeah! In ads, don't talk so much about yourself. 

This brief snippet emphasizes that when it comes to web advertising, you should avoid talking too much about yourself. That is so true. So many companies come up with web pages where they talk primarily about themselves. That's just a foolish tactic. If you're trying to sell a product, you should focus on what the customer wants or needs. It's tempting to keep talking about one's self, but that's just completely misguided. Always focus on the benefits to the customer. Always.

This also goes hand-in-hand with the age-old adage of focusing on the benefits rather than features. A lot of companies make that mistake as well.

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