
Anecdotes and thoughts on matters of life and philosophy. There'll be a bit of angst in here, but also tales of joy and "Awwww..." moments.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Birthday musings 

Today, I dropped a small, inexpensive present off at the home of a friend. Well, sort of a friend. This was the same person who squealed with joy when two guys gave her flowers at her birthday last year, then asked me to take a picture of her with these guys and their presents . Mind you, I had given her a larger, more expensive bouquet, but she didn't react with that level of excitement, nor did she ask anyone to take a photo of her with my present.

So I gave her a small amount of chocolate -- nothing extravagant. I rather doubt that she'll respond with thanks right away. She might in a couple of days, but not anytime soon. That's the kind of person she is.

Somebody asked me if she's really a friend or just an acquaintance. Well, I'd like to think that we're friends; after all, we used to spend a good amount of time together and I used to drive her around town. I even took her to play laser tag a few times, all at my expense. She doesn't seem to hesitate to ask me for favors either.

Some people are true, faithful friends. Some friends are more flaky, though. She's the flaky kind. As far as I'm concerned, if she disappears from my life, it'll be unfortunate, but not a great loss by any means.

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