
Anecdotes and thoughts on matters of life and philosophy. There'll be a bit of angst in here, but also tales of joy and "Awwww..." moments.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Fat loss 

I used to be rather badly overweight, and even now, I'm striving to be more healthy. For this reason, the following posting on a message board struck home for me:

I dunno if by fat acceptance they mean, "You should be nice to fat people.", I agree. If by fat acceptance they mean, "I have the right to be a big sloppy glutton and you are supposed to support my lifestyle because I have the right to be this way.", then I don't agree. Certainly someone has the right to be fat if they want, but I also have the right to think being fat isn't the way to go.

It seems more like they think that anything should simply be accepted, and that we shouldn't look at weight loss as a road to health as a positive development. Yeah, it's a good thing that homey lost a bunch of weight and climbed a mountain. Good for him.

What's interesting about their gripes is that they want fat acceptance, but clearly have not accepted it themselves if they are looking for CNN to validate them.

I happen to be about 30 lbs overweight. If I could get to around 180ish, that would be nice. I've been realizing how sedentary I've been. I've been making more effort to be more spry like I used to. Hurdling the baby gate instead of just stepping over it.

I commend this person fo rhis honesty.

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