
Anecdotes and thoughts on matters of life and philosophy. There'll be a bit of angst in here, but also tales of joy and "Awwww..." moments.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Don't pick boring ad photos 

Have you ever seen those ads -- typically for small businesses -- where they just line a bunch of their employees up, snap a picture, and then use that as their main graphic? Whenever I see that, I immediately think, "Boring!" and "Why should I care what you look like?"

I think that the advice in this article is relevant:

The third problem (and I really hate to say this) is that the photo is unimaginative. It immediately says, "We couldn’t think of anything else to include, so we snapped a picture of our employees." Let me elaborate.

Often, when small companies try to think of images that they can include in their brochures, they immediately think about a company photo. This is usually a huge mistake. Unless your company is a modeling agency, an actor’s guild, or a den of prostitution, customers generally don’t care what your employees look like. They’re more interested in knowing that you can get the job done – especially in service-oriented industries like plumbing. What’s more relying heavily on employee photos tends to bespeak a lack of creativity, and (deservedly or not) this tends to cast a negative impression.

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