
Anecdotes and thoughts on matters of life and philosophy. There'll be a bit of angst in here, but also tales of joy and "Awwww..." moments.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Lazy people 

I'm always disappointed when I see shopping carts just lying around in the parking lot of a supermarket. Now, I realize that some of the people who used them might have just been in an extreme hurry; however, I think it would be naive to think that this is typically true. The vast majority of those individuals were probably just too lazy to wheel their carts into the proper corrals. Never mind that these carts could role into a nearby vehicle, or that they could prevent someone from using a convenient parking space. No, these people are just too bloody lazy to do the right thing, and that disgusts me.

For the same reason, I'm disgusted at those pedestrians who INSIST on walking down the center of the vehicular lanes in the parking lots. Apparently, it never occurs to them that they should move over to one side and let traffic go through.

I'm equally disgusted at those individuals who drive around and around, looking for a parking spot that's as close as possible to the mall or supermarket entrance. Hey, here's an idea, you lazy bums. Park a little bit farther away and walk a few extra meters. You'll save a lot of time that way, and get some exercise besides.

On a related note, I can't stand those lazy bastards who insist on taking shopping carts home. Hey, how about CARRYING your shopping bags to your apartment, huh? Or if that would be too much work, at least take your shopping cart back to the store, you indolent miscreants.

Last week, I saw one individual take a shopping cart home even though he only had one shopping bag and one box of soda cans. This was a youngish-looking fella, probably around 24 years old. I could understand a feeble 60-year-old resorting to such means, but not a young fella who could doubtlessly carry these things himself. Hey, why not try to build some upper body strength, bozo?

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