
Anecdotes and thoughts on matters of life and philosophy. There'll be a bit of angst in here, but also tales of joy and "Awwww..." moments.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The influence of the Beatles 

I saw some guy's posting on the influence of the Beatles. I thought that his words were so true that they were worth citing here:

The Beatles have many influences that are beyond their sound. Things like long songs, Indian music, complex production methods (Queen may sould little like the Beatles, but "A Night at the Opera" would never have been made without "Sergeant Pepper."), different chord progressions (before the Beatles, there were sounds everyone used; the Beatles would accidentlly play a wrong chord and, instead of saying "Oops, did it wrong," would say "That sounds good. How can I use it?"), different song structures, and many other things. The Beatles influence on modern popular music is akin to oxygen's influence on life on Earth -- it's everywhere, even if you don't realize it.

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