
Anecdotes and thoughts on matters of life and philosophy. There'll be a bit of angst in here, but also tales of joy and "Awwww..." moments.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Inconsiderate people on airplanes 

I remember flying to Singapore with some relatives, including one of my cousins. He's an interesting character. Let's just say that I have some very intelligent relatives, but he's not one of them.

So we're boarding this plane, boarding passes held firmly in hand. Naturally, the boarding passes very clearly and prominently indicate which seats we should take. So what does this guy do? He plunks himself down in the very first open seat that he spies. (He was a college student at this point, so you can't claim that he was too young to know any better.)

We managed to make him sit down in his proper spot, which was right beside my seat. So he sits with his elbows sticking way out into the adjacent seats, then goes to sleep. One of those elbows was digging into my ribs. I pushing his arm back into place, but to no avail. You'd think that anyone beyond the age of ten would realize that it's poor form to extend any part of one's body into the seating area beside you. Ugh.

What's more, as our plane approached its destination, the flight attendant reminded everyone to remain seated. What does he do? Once the plane touched the tarmac, he unbuckles his belt (in clear defiance of the lighted signs) and proceeds to haul his luggage out of the overhead bin. This, despite being very firmly told not to do that. Ugh.

Y'know, I meant to write about other inconsiderate blokes, such as the ones who talk loudly or lollygag as they're putting their luggage away. For whatever reason though, this particular guy really sticks out in my mind.

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